Mark Braverman
Information Theory
Communication Complexity
Complexity Theory
Bernard Chazelle
Computational Geometry
Natural Algorithms
Computational Biology
Marcel Dall'Agnol
Sublinear Algorithms
Interactive Proofs
Quantum Computation
Zeev Dvir
Complexity Theory
Coding Theory
Gillat Kol
Complexity Theory
Communication Complexity
Information Theory
Pravesh Kothari
Average-Case Computation
Random Matrices
Extremal Combinatorics
Alex Lombardi
Pedro Paredes
Spectral Graph theory
Ran Raz
Complexity Theory
Information Theory
Lower Bounds
Robert Tarjan
Design and Analysis
of Algorithms,
Data Structures
Matt Weinberg
Algorithmic Game Theory
Mechanism Design
Huacheng Yu
Data Structures
Streaming Algorithms
Communication Complexity
Noga Alon
Combinatorics and its
Applications to CS
Maria Chudnovsky
Graph Theory
Matroid Theory
Elad Hazan
Machine Learning
Mathematical Optimization
Learning Theory
Assaf Naor
Geometric and Analytic
Approximation Algorithms,
Paul Seymour
Graph Theory
Matroid Theory
Discrete Optimization
Amit Singer
Spectral Methods
Complex Optimization
Semidefinite Programming
Avi Wigderson
Complexity Theory