Opportunities @ Princeton TCS
There are various opportunities for visiting Princeton's Theory Group, for both students and junior and senior researchers.
- We have several postdoc positions each year. Some of these involve the Simons Foundation or the IAS. Here are the current postdoc job listings: To be considered for both positions, you will have to file two separate applications.
- We can arrange sabbatical visits by faculty at other institutions, and sometimes have funds to supplement salary from their home institution. Please contact any of our faculty members for more information.
Princeton University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Theory Lunch
The Princeton TCS Seminar, fondly known as Theory Lunch, is a weekly seminar organized every Friday. In order to receive notifications about this seminar, please subscribe to the theory-read mailing list.
Theory Lunches are recorded and uploaded on our YouTube channel, Princeton TCS. Please visit and subscribe for the Theory Lunch talks since Fall 2015.
For the talks before Fall 2015, see our old videos.
Other Seminars
The TCS/Discrete Math Seminar @ IAS seminars at the Institute for Advanced Study is another great resource. This program has two weekly seminars with talks by eminent people in the community.
The Princeton Discrete Math Seminar is an amazing series of talks organized by the Mathematics department. For more information about this seminar, please email Paul Seymour.
Online Resources
Interested in learning about Theoretical Computer Science?
Click here
for a link with lots of resources!